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DragonCon. DragonCon. Wow. How to describe this show to someone who has never been there. It's truly not possible. A lot of people think that San Diego ComicCon is the biggest and best convention of the year, but those people have never truly experienced the thrill that is DragonCon.
I could go on for hours here touting the pleasures of this show, but I think you all came here for the pics and the stories. A lot of names have already been forgotten, and I do apologize for that, but that's just the way it goes.
The pics below are a combined effort of me and my crew, so rather than label each pic, I will just say that the pics below are from Drew, Tony, Dickie and me. Oh, and one pic stolen from Nat.
So, without further ado, I give you DragonCon 07...

We arrived and started unpacking. Here are my newest Pajamas, with the flaming Supermans on them!

Me and Damien at the bar (our first stop, as usual).

Ruby and Jen, another pair of regulars hanging out at the bar.

Jen, sipping the head off a bottle of SpBeer. That's right, SpBeer. SpatCave Beer. But more on that later...

Flasky McFlask, Oh, Flasky, you rascal!

Rich, C.C. (as Larry Croft; Tomb Raider) and Ruby.

Rich and Chunky Monkey. He spent the night giving out Fez' to everyone at the bar. No idea why. But, when they are free, do you really need to ask?

Tony, enjoying his SpBeer.

Here it is, the first batch of SpBeer. Cat and I talked about brewing our own beer when we were finishing Trenches, and finally got 2 flavors done! Fuzzyberry Lite and Spatberry Cream. Here are the labels:

These were both HUGE hits, especially at the parties up in the rooms. But, yes, there was a lot of head. And the beers had a lot of head as well.

Drew and his Fez! This was Drew's first DragonCon. The poor guy has had to spend the last 7 years listening to us talk about how awesome this weekend is, and he finally was able to get the time off to come down and party with us! And seeing him in a Fez is a pretty funny thing in itself.

Me on the phone with my travel agent complaining about all the crazy people at the bar.

Spat in a Fez!

Anthony wearing the paper that came in the Fez.

Mo! He's our awesome waiter!

Narelle! She's from Australia. Now that's a trip!

Here's where Drew offended a roaming Teddy Bear, and got his ass handed to him.

Teri and her friend as "The Cock Hunters". They were very generous with me.

Allison showing off her "Girls".

Teri and Amy kissing. I am so sick of chicks making out with chicks. Wait a second... No, I'm not. It's Pesto sauce! That's what I'm sick of! I love girls kissing girls!


Dawn, one of the writers of Trenches hanging out with us at the bar.

Adriel and Brian. Adriel has the newest set of Marine Armor of mine, in fact, it was express shipped to him the day before the con. He and Brian are both wearing the new SpatCave Throat Guards as well.

Slave Leia's!

Hand and Leia!

Dolly Deathstar!

C.C. in his footy rubber duckie pajamas.

Anthony! For those readers of the SpatCave Message Board, you may know that Anthony just got back from a tour of Iraq with the US Army's 10th Mountain Division, where he got (and I'm quoting here), "Blowed the fuck up". But he's all better now, and at DragonCon partying up his recovery.

Drew double fisting it, making the rookie mistake of overdoing it the first night at DragonCon. He felt that in the morning.


Rich boob grabbing Narelle

Here I am being killed by some white haired chick. And I have no idea why. Though I'm sure I deserved it.

Jamin. Again, he's the guy that runs Leis's Metal And every year he promises to post pics of me in my Slave Leia costume, and every year he conveniently forgets about it. So be sure to e-mail him and tell him that you want more Spat on his website!

Me and Lara. Lara, of course is wearing her Naughty Nurse costume that she wore last year in the Miss SpatCave contest.
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