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After recovering from the convention on Saturday night, people would normally expect me to throw some kind of party, but this time around, I was invited to one! The C.W. Post Greek Reunion! For those that don't know, I did go to Long Island University at C.W. Post Campus (and actually Graduated somehow), and am a lifetime member of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity. Joe and Michelle put together a reunion for all the Fraternities and Sororities that were on campus around the time I was, so Drew and I headed over there. For those who also don't know, Drew, Tony, Calvin and I all went to College together and were in AEPi together!
The one bad part about the party was that no one was handing out nametags! There was a pile of them on the bar with a sharpie, but you had to go find them and make up your own. So the whole night I really had no idea who most people were.

Roger (ignore him) with Adriana. Just hold your hand over Roger's face and you'll be fine. Once again, Adriana. You're welcome.

Drew and Adam.


Amy (I had a big crush on her in College).

Andy! (aka Boo Boo).

Claudia and I. Claudia and her friend Laura would come into my Dorm room once a week to dance on my desk and then have me give them massages. For some video of that, check out Spat Gone Wild Vol 5: The 20th Anniversary Edition, due out early in 2009.

Boo Boo, me, Drew and Nicole!

Crowd shot.

Drew complaining that all the girls at the party are old. I guess he's used to hanging out with all the 20 year olds we usually meet at conventions. Bad Drew. Just kidding!

Adriana and me. Happy Spat.

Roger and Rob.

Me and Rob. You can see some pics of a younger Spat and Rob HERE. Though he's credited as Reg in that story.

The Girls of Post.
After that party wrapped up, Drew and I headed back to The Playwright (man, we spend a lot of time in that place, huh?).

I found the beer that Anthony bought off the Hallway Capitalist Hippy at ICon!

Drew debating.

Car Bombs?

Oh no!

Jack. Much better choice.

Far away, CLOSE UP!


Cecilia and Anthony!

Sharon! Look, she named her boobs after me and Drew!

Woo HOO!

Drew and Sharon.

And Drew and I leave our mark on the Playwright!

Back at the Con, Christine brought over some blades for Yancy Butler (Witchblade) to pose with. Yancy was awesome and super nice.

Helper Monkeys!

Monique Dupree!

Dr. Victoria Zdrok.

Auguste, our newest Volunteer. For a guy at his first con ever, he had a BLAST.

Chase Masterson (Deep Space Nine. or Dark Space Nine as Mike Carbonaro called it). Another awesome person to hang out with.
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