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Ahh, Big Apple. Recently, Big Apple Conventions actually hired me on as Staff. I'm still not 100% sure what my job title is, but I was telling people that I was in charge of Logistics for the 1st and 2nd floor. It's pretty much true. Basically, everything that went on on the first and second floor, was ultimately my problem. Doesn't seem like a lot, but the first and second floors were where the registration and main entrance was, where the Autograph area and Dealers room was. And where the big professional photo booth was. Thankfully, the team of people working at the show (Vince in charge of the Dealer's Room, Sean in charge of the Celebs, Nicole in charge of Registration and Phil in charge of Security) made my job a lot easier.
This show was going to be pretty big since we had Malcolm McDowell, Richard Dreyfuss, Doug Jones and Jason Mewes coming as guests (among others), AND the temperature in NY was was set to top the high 90's with massive humidity. They were right in calling it the "Summer Sizzler", since it was going to be taking place during New York's first heat wave of the season.
Pics below are from me, Drew, and Pvt. Bathroom Lovin'.

The night before the convention started, we had a Press Conference/Cocktail Party. Here's Doug Jones (Abe Sapien from Hellboy and The Silver Surfer from Fantastic Four), Mike Carbonaro (the guy who runs Big Apple), Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange, Heroes, Tank Girl), and Comic Artist Gene Ha.
With all the prep work for the show done, it was time to go out drinking!

We ended up with 2 newbies this weekend (Con Virgins). Here's one of them, Adrien becoming fast friends with some of the local bar girls. And of course, we're back at the Playwright Irish Pub again! Be sure to stop by and tell them Spat sent you!

Sgt. Batwing (Anthony) licking my ear for some reason. No more alcohol for him!

Anthony, me and some random bar guy who I had been talking to for a while. I'm super friendly when drunk!

Drew! I wonder what name will be on his badge when the con starts tomorrow?

Man, this guy is in town for one night and all the girls are flocking to him! Why do we bring these guys out with us?

Drew looks like he's holding everyone back from attacking the camera.

Drew makes friends fast.

Sharon! Our most favoritest bartender!

Pvt. Bathroom Lovin' jumps in to say hi!

Aime and Anthony.

Anthony gets Knighted or something.

But now he has offended her!

Alain all sad and alone.

Green Robed Jedi!



Some GI Joe guy!

Kiss Chicks!

Anthony makes someone purr.

At the Charity Auction, my helper monkeys play stabby games.
The Charity Auction was to raise money for Gene Colon who is a Comic Artist whose health is failing. We raised over $800 for him with items donated from the dealers and celebs at the convention.

Me with Christie and Lisa.

Alexandre with a BIG SWORD! Someone's over compensating.

Spider Guy!

Anthony and Alexis with Malcolm McDowell.

Alfred with Jason Mewes (Jay from the Clerks movies). I don't know why they look so serious.

And here's Alphonse with Doug Jones. From them on, Alphonse was known as Mrs. Jones. New nicknames abound!

Back in the hotel room with Amaury, Andre and Drew. And yes, Drew's name tag read, "My Little Pony" again. He still hasn't done anything to earn a new one.


Antoine on the bed. He seems to get a new nickname every other day. Drew needs to act more like him.

And then Anton and Arnaud started acting gay.

And speaking of gay...
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