Askin, Andy, Calvin and Ricki at O Bar!

The next
day we headed over to Shepperton Studios to meet up with Bill Pearson.
He worked on such films as Alien, Battlefield Earth, Red Dwarf, and
most recently on the new James Bond film, Die Another Day. He took us
for a tour of the studio, and of his workshop, and we had some drinks
at the studio Cafe.

Andy likes
to break all the rules!

Here we
are holding a gun from Battlefield Earth. Andy was getting a little

And here's
Andy in a helmet from Lost in Space.
Big huge
thanks to Bill for taking the time out his schedule to show us around,
and to Geoff for setting it up for us.

on the hat, just wanted to make sure it still fit....
Then it
was out to the bars again looking for some fun.

Andy ended
up hooking up with this Irish lass.

a few more beers, Andy was pretty toasted.

And ended
up counseling this poor drunk bloke. Either that or he was trying to
steal his wallet. We were never too sure.
We hopped
a cab with the two girls and headed back to the hotel. One girl almost
puked in the cab, so we ran out really quick!
As we
got out, these other two girls were coming out of an Argentinian restaurant/club
that was in the basement of our Hotel that we had never noticed before!!
How sad are we?

We followed
them back to their hotel, and one girl decided that Andy should be an
Undercover Bear.

The next
day it was into town to do the whole tourist, sightseeing thing. Andy
of course made time with our cute red headed waitress.

Then it
was off to Buckingham Palace!

and Andy at the big gate.

Yes, we
wore the hats all over London!

Andy and
Calvin hanging out.

Andy at
the Westminster Cathedral.

Andy at
Westminster Abbey.

inside the Abbey. Whatever an Abbey is.

right, this is the grave of the Church Plumber. How cool is that?

Andy kept
doing that whole tapping Calvin on one shoulder but being on the other
side trick. He's so crafty.

Look kids,
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