were a lot of things I really wanted to do last time I was in England,
but since I was only there for 3 days, I kinda missed out on a lot.
So I decided to head back and this time spend a week in London with
Calvin and see what kind of trouble we could get into.
we left, Drew gave me this little NYPD Teddy Bear to take with me and
get pics of it with the girls we'd meet. I didn't really think much
of it at the time, but once I got there, the little bear just took over
the trip and ended up in every picture! So the entire week just ended
up being me and Calvin following "Andy Bear" (as we were calling
him) around and taking pics.
So Calvin
and I looked into going, but since Calvin had Miles with Continental
he went through them. He ended up flying from La Guardia to Cleaveland,
then to Gatwick in London, while I flew from JFK to Heathrow on British
Air. Yet, oddly enough, we both arrived at the hotel within about 5
minutes of each other!
Ok, here
are the pics:

So, here's
Andy Bear having a beer in the JFK bar before the flight. He gets nervous
flying and needed to take the edge off.

he went through three air-sickness bags, we finally arrived in London!
Here he is in the taxi on the way to the Hotel.

We met
up with Calvin at the Hotel, but the room wasn't ready yet, so we had
four hours to kill. We headed for some coffee!
When we
finally got into our hotel room we were shocked to see how small it
was. There were two beds crammed in the room so closely, that we could
each sleep in a bed and have one foot on the other bed. At the same
time, Calvin could have one foot on the balcony, and I could have one
foot in the bathroom. Not a whole lot of room for the three of us.

Andy made
a new friend in London!

Poor Andy.
Waiting by the phone for his new Britsh Bear friend to call. He never
did. :(

Me saving
Andy from jumping off our balcony at the hotel.

Andy at the Queen's Theatre in London where we met up with Harry Harris
(see the last London story for more info). He was there working on the
play "Contact".

Then the
four of us went out to the Pub for a Pint. Harry had to get up early,
so he left and the rest of us went into Soho to wreak havoc.

We bumped
into these two really drunk girls and wandered around with them for
a while looking for a good place to drink.

One of
the girls fell down and Andy immediately lunged into her lap. Maybe
to help her up, but who knows. He was pretty drunk by them himself.
We wandered
Soho for a bit, then found a cool club that looked interesting. We went
up to the bouncer and he looked us up and down and told us that this
was a gay bar, and we'd be happier next door. Thank God two drunk Americans
with a Bear look straight.

So we
ended up at a place called O Bar.where we met this little number.

And her
drunk friend. Andy seemed to be having fun.

The next
morning Andy and I woke up early and decided to abuse Calvin while he
was sleeping.
The we
met up with Geoff T. Another prop maker who took us around London to
show us some of his favorite sites.

Andy looking
very happy posing with Big Ben.

Then we
headed over to the Imperial War Museum. Andy is pretending to be Indiana
Jones here. Too bad there's no audio, he spent the whole time screaming
the Indiana Jones theme while hanging off the tank gun!

Andy on
the Sherman Tank.

And ready
to be fired out of a canon!

Andy doing
his "Slim Pickins" impersonation! "Yeeehaaaawwwww!!!"

and Andy praying to Satan in the Mock Up of a British House from the

Then it
was off to this big airsoft shop with Geoff. Calvin and Andy admiring
the size of Lara Croft's.... guns....

Andy calling
that British Bear.... again....

Then we
headed over to a Jazz Club called Pizza on the Park to meet up with
Ricki Benson and Askin Arsunan (see the Bodrum '02 page for more info
on them).
The Jazz
singer got on stage, and I could swear he'd forgotten the words to the
songs. He sang exactly like my 6 year old cousin did, making up the
words but instead of actually using words, just using strange sounds
in their place. We sat there figuring maybe we just don't know enough
about Jazz, and he's actually really good but we're too stupid to appreciate
We later
asked other people who "knew Jazz" what they thought of him,
and invariably they all said he sucked. So it wasn't just us.

haggled the bow tie off of the waitress and then did his Charlie Chaplin

And here's
the waitress with Andy. After this we headed back to Soho to do some
more drinking....
1 , 2 , 3