Wizard World East
Page 3
5/30/03 - 6/1/03
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I grabbed Dennis and we hit a few bars looking for people that we knew, but in the end we headed back to the Irish Pub we had been at on Friday night. Not the same Irish Pub from the Star Wars dinner, a different one. Apparently, there are like three places all called "Irish Pub" in the area.

At the Irish Pub, we ran into a Bachelorette party! How do we get so lucky?

Someone's been eating beans...
One thing led to another, then it lead to BODY SHOTS!! In all fairness, what Bachelorette party doesn't lead to Body Shots?

Dennis calling someone who cares.


We called John and Hey, James to let them know what they were missing. Sadly, neither of these morons have cell phones that have working voice-mails, so I can't even convert them into a .wav file to play here on the site!
Oh well, may as well do some more shots. What would you do?

Dennis got a little out of hand, and needed a spanking!

Denise doing the "Bat-Toosey"!

Brian (or Ryan, we were drunk), our bartender at the Irish Pub.
Parting is such sweet sorrow. Especially when they use Pepper Spray.

Dennis and his trophy.

More calls on the way back to the hotel to see if there's anything still going on.

I found this guy in the lobby. This is Gareb Shamus, he's the owner of Wizards, and I know that the box he's carrying is the same box that had the "Rizzo the Rat" figures in it earlier. He claimed the box was full of "Poker Chips", and he even had a Poker Chip to show, but I think he was stealing Rizzo's to sell on E-Bay!

Bob from DC Comics. Really nice guy, he's the Editor for Batman, and a freaky cool guy to boot!.

Hey, look, it's Jim Lee! Batman artist from DC Comics! We spent a lot of time hanging out at the DC booth. Since our friend Mike works for DC, he had given us a list of who to be sure we met when we got down there!

More DC stuff, this one by Alex Ross.
We just thought it was a cool looking poster.

Damn, Kenny Baker looks like crap!

Oh wait, this is the REAL Kenny Baker!

Damn, it's been a long day.

The Dragon Ball Z Hummer!

John with Daniel Logan (Young Boba Fett from Star Wars Episode Two).
Mmm... Diana.....
Well, after Diana, nothing else seemed interesting at the Con anymore, so we decided it was time to leave. On the way to the Turnpike, we ended up on this Road:

Anyone else get the feeling that Pennsylvania just isn't even trying anymore? How lazy can you get?
Big thanks to Dennis for the invite and letting us stay in his room! You rock!
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com