The New York Tattoo Con
Page 3- The Bat Cave Continued
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The freaks come out at night!

Go, funky Grandma, go!!

"Excuse me, miss, I think you have a run in your stocking. It's right there, no, more to the left. No, above that one.... Actually, excuse me, miss, you have an area without any runs!

Pretty lights....

Doesn't it look like that big pink balloon is about to fall right on his head?

Looks good coming and going...

Members of the "Black Shirts with Stains" club.
George spilling some more drinks on himself.


Chicks in chainmail. Gotta love it.
No pictures, no pictures!

Getting friendly with the locals.

No comment available at this time.
"Stop looking at me!"
Hey, that guy in the background is wearing Safariflage!

She doesn't look very happy to be in these pics!

I am Gother than thou.


"Let's see how much more alcohol I can spill on my shirt!"

Then it was into the Ladies Room to help out with this poor girls broken strap. She was very thankful.

The male bonding "Finger Ritual". Very rare to see it caught on film.
"Uh, Security check on a guy in a black T-shirt covered in Absolut."

Corset girl....

George getting friendly.

We tried to get a little Cousin Pic, but couldn't seem to get both our big heads in frame at the same time!

Over the stall shots in the ladies room. Who knows what kind of freaky stuff goes on in there....


"Maybe if I spill some water on my shirt it'll clean up the liquor...."

Dance, signora!

She doesn't know where she's going.

Go Yoda!!
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