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Once again it's time
for a Spat BBQ!!

Heather molesting
a Vintage Stormtrooper toy. Does that increase the value, or do the
Heather cooties make it worthless?

Rich! He really looks
like he's happy!
Dan brought a bunch
of toys over to sell off. It became a Star Wars Geek Swap meet!

Kathy, Heather and

Mmmm... Spat Burger.
It's teh secret Spat Sauce that makes it so good!


Oooh! Poster!

Lunchie Munchies!

I guess Tim bought
the poster!


Mmm... Spat... Burgers....

Pippy Longstocking!

Kathy showing off
her SpatCave Tattoo!

Toy looters!

Star Wars watch!

Kathy haggling over
the watch.

My pool! See, being
a smoker, it's impossible for me to inflate it without killing myself!

My new Trooper toy.
Kathy looks like
she's got a naughty plan brewing!

Dan, Dan the Toy

Heather playing nice
for once.

She looks so innocent.
But we all know how evil she is.

Damn! That Trooper
may never find his way out!

Stormtrooper toy
boob grab!!

Is he smoking, or
pretending it's a lightsaber?
Heather digging the

I don't think he
needed a hat...

Stormtroopers get
all the chicks. And all the Trooper Groupies!

Heather with her
itty bitty gun.

I don't know if it's
penis envy, or just cruelty, but for some reason it seems like women
live to do really bad things to my crotch.

Yeah! Yank her pony

How far with Kathy
go with this? Check out page 2 to find out!
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