SpatCave BBQ
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Well, since it's the summer, and I finally have a back yard, so it was time to throw a Barbecue! Thanks to Tony, who basically invited everyone while I was still deciding if I wanted to hold one in the first place.

Eric and Tony smokin their Pipes like real men.

Thankfully, we had a great day! After all the rain we had for so long, I really wasn't sure if we would even be able to have a party. But I was impressed with the turnout! May have to do this again soon!

"Welcome to my Kingdom!"

The pool turned out to be a great idea, since it was really the only way to cool off from the heat.

And once Eric cannonballed into the water, (even after I specifically told him there was no diving allowed) Kathy got tossed in and they made it thier mission to get everyone wet. Wait, that came out wrong...
Eric and Kathy getting Heather into the game.
And then it was my turn in the pool! Damn, it felt good!

It seems that the men enjoyed watching the girls splash around!
And enjoyed watching them wring out thier breasts.

Eric tossing Cat in the pool.
And then they decided to drag Frank in.

Later we had to go back and drag him out.
Dion and Eric kept running away trying not to get wet. Mike and Sharon went out and got water guns to maek things more interesting. Finally, Eric decided to crawl up in the grass and ambush them!

Tanya Shot Blocking Eric!

Ahh, there he is!

And here are the Water Fearing losers!

What could Kathy and Eric be doing? Couldf it be a shot?

Looks like Eric is planning another cannonball into the pool!

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