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Tony and his zoom
in pics!
Ok, I'm done!
Ok, I am probably

Tony taking more
super zoom pics.

They look a little
pissed off, huh?

Maybe we're lucky,
and his camera is broken so he can't take any more super zoom pics!

Of course, he gets
mad when you do it to him!

Sam, she am.

Still going.

Tony looking for
his next super zoom victim.

And it's John!!

Alberto, party animal.

I don't know if he's
dancing or fighting.

And then it came
time for our Matrix/Superhero photo shoot. The plan was to take these
pics and edit them to make it look like a cool super duper fight scene!
Think it'll work?

And with his New
Years Hat off, Alberto reminds us all that it's time to call it a night!
Happy New Year to
all from the crew over here at the SpatCave!!
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