I-CON 22
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3/28 - 3/30
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As they were setting up for the Costume Contest, I was asked if I would mind being a judge. Me, judge a Costume Contest? What do I know about costumes?
So the judges were Carel, Anita La Selva (Earth: Final Conflict), me, and Robert Leeshock (Earth: Final Conflict).

Victor managed to grab the mike and made himself Emcee of the night.

The Bluntman and Chronic group (winners of the Comic category).

A Jedi that had written a really long introduction for himself that no one could read, so we had him read it for himself!

The judges looking very scared.

Devil Guy, winner of the Sci-Fi/Fantasy category.

Mom, with the other I-Con staffers.

Kathy in her "Spat's My Bitch Slave Leia" costume. Second place winner.

Victor molesting the second place winner in the Period Costume category.

Vic "Butt-Bumping" with the third place winner.
And Vic getting "Tea-Bagged" by the First Place winner.

We the judges unanimously voted that Victor never be allowed near a microphone again. We got a lot of applause when we made that announcement.

Jeanette doing her dance with the bag things. There's a name for it, but I can't remember it.

John and I being goofy.

I don't know what Jeanette is making this face for, but it makes me giggle to see it.

Check her out, winking for the camera.

Me and Jeanette.

Me and Peter Williams (Stargate: SG-1).

Me, Jeanette and John.

John and Peter.

We look absolutely enthralled, don't we?

Here, kitty kitty kitty....

Sam wearing the Vader Helmet Eric donated to the Charity Auction.

I don't know what that thing is, but it's also got the Vader helmet on.

Security at the Convention was very tight. John didn't stop to have his bag searched, and this was his punishment!
Then it was time for my second panel! This time they gave me a big auditorium, and a projector! Woo Hoo!!
Look at them, hanging on my every word!

First boob grab!! I must be slipping. See, when I dress nice, and have responsibilities at a convention, I forget to act silly and do crazy things!

Eric and I molesting Sam.

And me molesting Sam on my own.

"I was a guest at Icon 22 and all I got was this stupid pin"
As I was leaving, I was given this button from Heather (one of the I-Con staff). It's a thank you gift for being a Guest at the Con from the entire Media Staff. How nice of them!
And on the ride home, John decided to take some pics of Eric and I. That boy needs help.
I'd like to take a second here and say thanks to a few people:

Fist off, I-Con for inviting me and showing me such a great time all weekend.
These are in no particular order; Heather, Rachel, Jeanette, Eric, Tony, John, Kathy, Victor, Cat, Maria, Mom (I-Con Mom, not my Mom, wait, that sounds like I'm now being mean to my Mom.....), Mellissa, Sam, Brian, Scott, Zippy, Frank, Rich, The ECG, Docking Bay 516, SWNYC, and especially, to everyone who came to my panels this weekend! Hope you learned something!
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com