The Shampoo Fantasy Island Party
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At about this time, the drinks got to me, and I really remember nothing that went on afterwards. But I did keep taking pictures!!
Of course, after that much Jack, these are how the pictures come out!
Hey, some more people in costumes!
Dancing girl in purple, and the first (and I think only) Boob-Grab of the night!

"She followed me home, can I keep her?"

Scaring the wallflowers.

Damn, but I do love watching these chicks!
Crowd shots.

Something caught Calvin's eye!


Crowd shots.

A shot of the D.J. booth.

I was later told that at about this time, Trish fell off one of those big boxes that everyone dances on and hurt her back. I had no memory of that, but did find this pic of someone with a towel on her back, so I can only assume I was there. I just hope I didn't cause it!

Rosa making a break for it! Or maybe just taking Trish home.
Crowd shots.

Calving dancing the night away.

Now you know she gotta shave to wear that outfit, and I don't mean her legs!
After this I wandered out to the parking lot and got lost. I know I found Calvin's truck, because that's where he found me at like 3:30 am. Tee hee.
And I'm still waiting for Calvin's pics. Looking forward to seeing those!!
Wanna find out more about Shampoo? Head to thier Website. And tell them Spat sent you!
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