Chiller Theatre
Page 2
10/25 - 10/27
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First off, here's a list of the Sponsors for the party, the guys and gals that really made it happen, huge amount of thanks should go out to them! (of course)
John aka DJ Goodz
Victor from MCV Darkstar
Zippy from The Empire City Garrison
Garrison Carida
Chris from PK Collectable's
And of course, Chiller Theatre!
Again, it couldn't have happened without them. Each Sponsor got one set of SpatCave beads which they could give to whichever girl they wanted. Or they could keep them and just tease the girls, their choice.
To give you more crap to have to read before you see the pics, here were the rules of the party:
· Girl with the most bead points at the end of the night wins the cash prize.
· Regular Beads are worth 1 point, SpatCave beads are worth 50 points.
· Sleepwear dress code strictly enforced.
· No cameras permitted.
· Ladies can trade clothing for beads:
Pajama Top - 5 Beads
Pajama Bottom - 10 Beads
Bra - 15 beads
Panties - 20 Beads
· Men can buy beads:
$1 per string
· We will have 4 contests going on all night: an "Erotic, Exotic Banana Eating Contest", "Wet T-shirt Contest", "Pajama Swap Contest", and finally, "Thirty Seconds to Fame Contest".. The top 3 winners (of 3 of the contests, 1 contest will only have 2 winners) gets a gift bag of Victoria's Secret goodies, t-shirts, wine, champagne, beads, etc. (each bag is different).
Approximate value of each bag is $50.
· The grand prize winner will also get a set of SpatCave beads worth 50 points for the big contests at the end of the night!
· So, winning the contests will make it much easier to win the grand prize at the end of the night!
· Judging spots for the contests will be for sale at $20 per spot per contest. You get a nice front row seat to all the craziness.
Ok, and here are the beads that everyone was trying to get:

Out of 270 pictures taken that weekend, only 140 can actually be shown on this website due to my strict policy of keeping the website's PG-13 rating. Sorry.
Don't bother e-mailing me and asking to see the naughty pics, it ain't gonna happen.
Now on to the pics I can show:

Here's Graham biting his toes, Eric dressed as Darth Bobo (I thought I smelled Vaseline...), and Tony dressed as... well, Tony, hanging out before the party.

"I's a gonna see some girlies in they jammies!!!"

Christy, me and Eric relaxing before the naughtiness begins.

Graham showing off his Linda Blair tattoo (done by Eric by the way...).

Rachel and our DJ for the night, John.

Rachel looking a little drunk already.

Drew in his Sponge Bob shirt, Rubber Duckie Pajama bottoms and Homer Simpson slippers. How cute.

"Mmmm... pizza good."

"Welcome to my Kingdom, I will bed you all before the night is through!"

Drew's Homer vs my Piggie slippers.

"Does this party ever start?"

Now why in God's name would we need a pool in a hotel room......
These pictures just plain scare me.
Now you know why we call him DJ Goodz!

We always knew Eric had his head up someone's ass....

Bobo Presley!

Someone forgot to use a flash!

Tony all proud of his beads!

Some people wore nice, pretty Pajamas.

Tony, John and Danny. I guess John's bras was a little uncomfortable, so he took it off.

Let's hope Jessica's bra get's uncomfortable as well!

Vanessa and Spiro.
And then the first contest came to pass... An Erotic, Exotic, Banana Eating Contest!
Rules for the contest were simple, the girl has 30 seconds to do whatever she wants with the Banana so long as it doesn't leave teeth marks.
Yummy, yummy.
Gotta love the Leopard print girl.
Toni with a banana. What more could anyone want?
Alex needed to sit down for her part of the show!
Jessica just needed to be on her knees.
Kathy needed a partner, but lost points for breaking the banana! Hey, we gotta have rules!
Then came the next contest, the Wet T-shirt Contest! Again, simple rules, the girl stands in the swimming pool (now you know why we had one in the room!), gets dowsed with water, and has 30 seconds to do whatever she wants.
And sadly, this is the only picture of it I can post.
Look at Kathy go! Only halfway through the contests, and she's already got 4 sets of SpatCave beads!
Me and Dion goofing around, with Zippy, Animal, John and Rich in the background.

Graham chilling and looking cool.
Gotta love the Bubble Machines!! Bubbles everywhere!
Zippy told me he was paying homage to me by wearing women's clothing to the party. Is this really the image I give off?
Dion and Rich looking innocent.
Ms. Privilege, aka Jennie. One of our only female judges of the night, who was also the most critical!!
I have no idea who these guys are.

"Fuck you, Spat!"

"I'm crushing your head!"

After a while I just carried the bottle of Jack in my robe. Made it easier!

And why is Jennie spilling her drink on the floor? From now on, only bottles with nipples for her!

Eric using the camera to get a crotch shot of my PJ's.
Me looking all evil with my glowing contact lens and skull goblet!
We'll take a short break, and be right back.... with page 3....
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me.