California Trip



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Saturday night was a Birthday party for one of my Uncle's friends, John. So it was off to the Sunset Room!

John is also in a band called "Rach". And they performed that night to a packed house.

"Get that camera out of my face!"

I make this look good.

You know the band is good when there are women dancing on the tables!

And here's one of the cakes. I added the little candle at the bottom. I like to play with fire.

Man, Uncle Charlie hates Paparazzi, huh?

I think this is the first shot of us together!


I dabble in modern art. I call this one, "Birthday Wishes."

Some of the other party goers outside in the smoking area.

Jeff showing off his SAG card.

Can't remember her name, but I do recall she's from New Orleans.

Can't remember their names.

I know the guy on the left is my Uncle, and I'm in there somewhere, too, but I forgot the names of everyone else.

Can't remember.

And this guy is the reason I can't remember. This is the bartender who kept giving me shots of straight Bourbon! Yeah, I got a little drunk.

The next night I met up with a friend named Alex who works at a place called Rhythm and Hues. It's a Digital Effects shop that worked on films like The Little Mermaid, Daredevil, Scooby Doo, X-2, and a whole lot of other films.

And here is a very scary looking piece of Sushi. It was almost the death of me, but in the end, I was triumphant.

And here's me with Alex, with and without glasses. Big thanks to Alex for showing me where he works, it was awesome!

Gotta love California! Even the Hearses are convertibles!

Palm trees. Ahhh....

Here's some more photo art of mine, my reflection as photographed in the fender of a car. I call it, "My Reflection as Photographed in the Fender of a Car, Self Portrait."

From the back, it's hard to tell if it's Ponch or John.


Watery type stuff.

A museum of Pompeii.

At the gas station, I noticed something odd on the pump. It took me re-reading it about three times until I was sure it said what I thought it said! You know, in New York, a dozen cocks will cost you at least three times that price!! Of course, a picture this good will probably find its way around the net at some point, so I decided to add a little logo on it just to make sure people know where it originated!

And on that note, it was time to head back home to the cold!

Big thanks to Uncle Charlie for putting up with me and showing me around, and to Alex again for the tour of his Studio.


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