"Captain Bucky and His Space Marshals in Outer Space"
SpatCave Films is currently in production of a series of short spoofs
based on retro 1950's sci fi serials, called "The Adventures of Captain Bucky and His Space Marshals in Outer Space".
"Captain Bucky" is an SpatCave Films Production. It's a series of 5 minute shorts about Captain Bucky and his crew of Space Marshals patrolling the galaxy to keep Demorcacy and Freedom safe for all citizens of planet Earth. We are currently in production, and here are some pics:
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The Mars Base.
And here's the Atlantis miniature. Just the base shape with greeblies.
Detail painting and coral added.
Lights in place.

And finally, sand. Now it's ready for shooting!

The Space Marshal ship, the Pluto 12!

The Space Marshal Modulator!
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com