"Brownsville" is a 4 story vignette feature that SpatCave Studios has been hired on to do costumes, props and FX Make-up for. It's being shot in and around New York.
Check out the Trailer here - Bullets Over Borwnsville
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Street Stabbing

Here's the stabbing rig I made for the film. Once dressed with the actor's shirt, this made an excellent stabbing dummy. The blood packs taped behind the rig really looked great as they spilled big gouts of blood with each stab!

The bloody shirt.

Back on the actor.

And the blood left on the ground afterwards.
Lobby Shootout

Blocking out the scene.

Natural, the Co-Writer/Co-Director.

And me!
Bullet Wound
Some nice close ups of the bullet wound.

Extreme close-up.
Lymiek relaxing and waiting for his scene.

And another close up!
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spatcave.com