it had to happen sooner or later. After all, I've been told for years
that I have a face made for radio. But when the folks at WXBA
asked me if I'd like to come on the air and ramble incoherently for
two hours, how could I say no?
turns out that Jaimie and Buddha from WXBA saw my panel at Icon
in March, and enjoyed the way that I would start a story, go off on
four hundred tangents, finish another story, and bake a cake. All the
while without ever completing the story I originally started. What can
I say, it's a skill. And they wanted me to use that skill for two hours
on the air!
also asked that I bring some SpatCave stuff to be given away on the
air. How could I say no? I am a shameless self-promoter after all. So
I looked around the shop and found some things that I thought the listeners
might be interested in, and I came across a stunt foot that was made
for Solomon's Requiem, but never used.
the foot! I added the gore and bone to it for the Radio show, since
the stunt foot had a clean top (not needed for the shot). I wasn't really
sure what people would want as a give-away from a radio show, so I just
kinda grabbed anything!

and I arrived at WXBA and met Buddha and Jack ( of The Madhatters Show),
and Jaimie (the Station Manager), and were given a basic run through
of what would be going on. Buddha had printed out this list of "Spat
Facts" from my website along with questions he wanted to ask and
topics he wanted to cover. Of course, in typical Spat Style, we never
really got to any of them! Oops!

John and Jack telling stories that never go anywhere!

trying not to be in the same shot as Jack. He scares us. Mostly due
to the smell...

"Cans" and my personalized cup. Man, they do go all out at

Swag! Aside from the severed foot, we also gave out a Nightwing Mask,
"Got Spat?" t-shirt, Blade Mac 11 kit, a Zombie Appliance,
and a set of Matrix Style head and arm plugs.

His name is Ron, but tell me he doesn't remind you of John Cryer's character
in "Pretty in Pink"?

finally, the PussyCats!
should be getting John's pictures tomorrow, so I'll add those to the
page as soon as I get them.
I'm also working on making some .wav files from the radio show available
for download here!
WXBA has invited John and I back again, so be sure to keep an eye and
ear out for that as well!
those that are interested, Jaimie told me they got about 300 e-mails
for the contest!
here's a list of the SpatCave contest winners:
Melendez - Matrix gear and Nightwing Mask
Paul Bryant - Severed foot
Matt Ing - "Got Spat?" shirt
Nat Cadet - Zombie appliance
Pomella Compass - Blade Mac 11 Kit
these fine folks got themselves WXBA Prize Packs:
Jess Stubenvoll
Jenn Runko
Charles Vollmer
Ed Soto
Craig Smith
Tony Lee
Phoebe Sheer
Mary Little
Pete Torres
John Walters
Tim Post
Lou Beltrami
Mike Stublick
Ken Knudtsen
James Decola
Paul Grimes
Jason Goff
Danielle Goff
Amanda Carnella
John Correa
Mike Tunick
the rest of the e-mails they got commented on the show or just had wrong
answers in them.
hope everyone enjoys their swag!