Wizard World Chicago
8/8/03 - 8/10/03
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Since John and I had so much fun at the Wizard World show in Philly, we decided to head over to the Windy City to see how well they threw a convention. Heather decided to join us, and our good friend Mike was already there working for the DC Comics booth.

Heather outside the Con.
That night we headed to the Hotel Bar and Heather decided to see if she could get something into my hole. Wait, that sounded bad. But don't I look pretty?


Since Christy lives in Chicago, we convinced her to come out drinking with us. Which is not easy... Yeah, right!

Me and Dennis.

And John playing video games... again.

Christy in the hat!

After that we headed to a little dive bar. Here's Crow tossing a few back.

Christy and Heather getting cozy.

Our illustrious bartender.

John trying to be part of the in crowd. Heather thinks he looks like a white Fat Albert!

Dance, woman!

Dart pro Dennis schooling us on how it's done. Until he got butt whumped by John!

That Dart Board will never be the same.

Me and Dennis. Again.

Me and Christy.

Me and Crow.

Me and John!
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com