Replica Weapons

Please check with your local laws and Government Import laws before ordering this item. Some Towns, Cities, States and Governments do not allow replicas of firearms to be owned, shipped or imported. We are not responsible for kits seized by customs, or other agencies. The buyer is responsible for knowing the laws where they live before they order.

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Gerber MK II Prop Kit
A very simple kit that needs just a little clean-up and some paint to make a very nice display piece..
M40 Grenade (Black)
Grenades!  Everyone loves them!  Cast in high quality black resin and they include the red..
M40 Grenade (Silver)
Cast in aluminized resin, these grenades are awesome!  They can be buffed with steel wool to sh..
M41-A Spulse Rifle Kit
The M41-A Spulse Rifle (SpatCave Pulse Rifle) is cast in high quality black resin.  It comes in..
Based on 1 reviews.
M41-K Shorty Spulse Rifle Kit
One of the only items we offer that was not in any of the films or games, the M41-K is a "Shorty" ve..
M41-S Spulse Rifle Kit
A Marine is nothing without his rifle and a rifle is nothing without his Marine! This is the "Ste..
VP70 Pistol Kit
A very simple resin kit that needs just a little clean-up and some paint to make a very nice display..
Based on 2 reviews.
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