The Shampoo Dark Side Party
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Shampoo is a Night Club in Philadelphia that holds Raves every once in a while in their parking lot. They set up a big tent, and throw a huge party. Usually themed. This one's theme was "The Dark Side". And who better to have show up at a Dark Side Party than the members of the 501st!
Garrison Carida set it up, and members of the Empire City and New England Garrison's showed up to help out. I was originally going to wear my Biker Scout costume, but figured the bug would have more fun!

Almost immediately upon getting out there, this woman attacked me on the dance floor and wouldn't let me go! She kept telling me how happy she was to have her own personal monster to dance with! And man did she want to dance! I think she was trying to kill me!

Uh oh. Jedi trying to fight the bug!

"That holster looks a little dirty, let me vacuum it out for you..."

These girls were scared to death of me at first, then they wanted a pic. Is the one in brown trying to pick my nose?


Dancing with Carl. Doin' the Jedi Box Step!

Sooner or later, someone made a comment about Aliens not really being part of the Dark Side, so I had to prove them wrong.

Just letting it all hang out.

Why any woman would want to wear a sweaty, nasty Trooper helmet is beyond me. But she does wear it well.

Then it was time for a little platform stage dancing! Go Bug, it's your birthday!

"How do I get down?"

"Luke, I am your father!"

A little Old School Air Guitar!

"You want a piece of me?!?!"

Matt was trying to take the next pic when George got in the way!

Boob Grabbing Shannon, the host of Shampoo!

Trying to Boob Grab Natasha, DENIED!! Seems everyone knows my tactics!

Frank doing the Trooper Pole Dance!

Everyone loves the bug!
These girls just couldn't grasp the concept of "Smile for the Camera!"

This pic just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.....

Looking for more victims...

Uh... hello, I'm a boy bug!

Boob Grab number 2!
And it continues on the next page.....
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me.