pics of some SpatCave Appliances in action? Send them over!
sure to include a first name, and the approximate skill level of the
make-up artist on a scale of 1-10. 1 being someone who has never done any kind of make-up before, and 10 being a Rick Baker/Dick Smith/Tom Savini type.

Ember - VA. Skill Level 3.
Zombie Brow Style "D"
"The zombie eye appliance by SpatCave Studios is great for first time users like myself, and those trained in fx make-up. The directions are very instructive, and it comes with every thing you need to apply the piece. The quality is great and looks amazing when applied. "

Here's a test of Zombie Brow Style "B" and Nose Style "B".

Full Face Zombie Style "A" from Black Days.

Zombie Bite Style "B" from Black Days.

Entry and Exit Bullet Wounds from Black Days.