Tower Protocol" is a Pete Giakoumis Production. It's a Spy film
being shot in and around New York. SpatCave was hired to do props and
special make-ups for the film. I was also asked to act as Agent 1 in
the film. Here are some behind the scenes pictures.
my finger."

My bird
is stronger than your bird!


getting silly.

playing Mr. White II.

1 cutting loose.

(Kassandra) and Richie (Agent 2).

waiting for a bus.

Do I
look scary or what?

see you sitting in this chair for a really long time..."
not to laugh during this shoot was really tough. We all chipped in and
tried to make Heather lose it during most takes. :)

long has it been since I've worn a tie?

my line again?"

Ready for my close-up!
Update - 4/6/03
More scenes have
been shot!
Agent 1 returns!
Unfortunately, they called me in and forgot to tell me that they were
shooting scenes that needed make-up, so I didn't bring any. So I had
to make a run out to a few stores in the area to get what I needed!

Me with the Camera
man, Vitaly.
Prepping the batch
of blood.
Make-up application.
This is what happens
when you make fun of me.

Smug Spat.
day of shooting for me! And here are the pics!

Waiting for my big

Heather getting prepped.

Hey, even bad guys
gotta eat.

Vitaly geared up.
Michelle the Boom

Tony hiding.
Waiting for the call
to action!

Script girl extreme

Antagonist, Protagonist.

Mmmm... legs...

Pete, the Director
and Associate Producer.

Me and Pete!

"Get your
hand off my head!"

Richie leaving!
This was the wrap
day, as soon as the trailer and film are ready, I'll post the info!
Whoops! Then came
some pick-up shots!

Pete had asked me
to make up a set of Night Vision Goggles. Of course, I only had one
days notice, so I popped these out using whatever I had laying around
the shop. Not bad for something I literally threw together in 20 minutes!

Why is it that Heather
always ends up in bondage these days?

The agents waiting
for the call.
And an untied Heather
on her way home.