Last year Mike Carbonaro announced that the 2012 NYCBM show was going to be his retirement show. Then he called and told me he wanted to do another one this year! So I guess this is the 2nd Annual Retirement Con!! The New York Comic Book Marketplace is a one day show we run each year in NYC. Every year I help put the show together and run it. And every year I take like 2 pictures because I'm so busy running around. This year I got a few more.

My cousins, Tracy and Jenn working at Registration.

Apparently, Donny was a no-show.

The room!

Guy Dorian.

Alan, running the Artist Alley.

Me and Sgt. Slaughter!

R2 dress!

Me with model Marissa Jade.

After the con at The Playwright Irish Pub (our con home away from home) with Mark Texeira and Guy Dorian.

Grace with a balloon Belle.

Balloon Crossbow!

And Jenn with her PBR!
Big thanks to all our guests, all our attendees, and especially to all our volunteers! We can't run the show without you!
See you next year!