Mike and Kelly's Big Day!!
Well, it finally happened, Mike got himself hitched. We all thought the day would never come, and he himself set the date as October 7th 2012 to try and hold off the inevitable, but Kelly insisted.
And here are the pics:

Drew likes to show me what he had for breakfast... no matter how many times I ask him not to. He came to the wedding resplendant in his denim tuxedo.

The man of the hour, Mike strutting to the Church.

The Bridesmaids and Ushers.

More Bridesmaids and Ushers.

The Best Man and the Lady of the hour, Kelly.

Doing the vow thing.

The wedding party with Mike's Mom, Dad and newest Nephew.

The happy couple...

And their dinner.

Feeding each other cake. I was really expecting a food fight right about here.

Here's a pic of some really hot guy that was sitting at my table. :)

Mike and his Mom dancing the afternoon away.

Nancy and Melody.

Ahh... the garter belt part of the night. The bouquet was caught by an older woman, and the single fellows took quite a while to make their way to the dance floor. They all decided to treat the garter like it was a live grenade; not for fear of commitment, but for fear of having to put a garter on the leg of someone nearly twice their age.
But then, out to the dance floor came their savior. Mike's Dad strolled out to throw himself on the grenade and save our lives. But just as he was about to catch the garter and take one for the team, Jim came running up from the sidelines, and having no idea who caught the bouquet, he snatched the garter out of the air and then wondered why they were all looking at him like he was crazy.

Jim took the garter, put it on her ankle, pulled her pants leg over it, then "skitched" the garter up her leg. The he pulled the pants leg down some more, then "skitched" the garter up a little more, until he just couldn't get any higher.

The last dance....

And then the bride had enough...
To Mike and Kelly, we wish you nothing but happiness. Enjoy.
If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com