So once again we got called in to do some FX work for Blake Brewer. But this time for a sci-fi film that would require a creature suit!

Original design by Paul. I named the creature "Buttons".
The body mold in halves. Check the pics from Amazicon to see how we made the mold.

Fiberglassed together.

Hand sculpt.

Arm buck.

The "Gimp" suit.

Acrylic teeth.

Head sculpt by Katy.

Completed right hand sculpt.

Completed left hand sculpt.

Completed head sculpt.

Blocked out and completed back.

Blocked out and completed chest.

Completed arm sculpt.

Parts ready for molding.


Foam latex face.

Strange cat that came to visit.

Ooohhhh.... special Oreo's for eating on set!

Mixing up the batch of foam latex.

And then on set, here we are prepping and painting Shawn into the suit.

The face painted and detailed!

The suit.

The head.

The body.

My Last Round hat!

Buttons sleepy...

The hot glue on the suit glowed blue in the lighting on set. So I used it as a kind of blood for the creature.

The set.

My make-up area.

Tagged the Gimp!

Oh no! He has a gun!

Kylie Cast and Buttons.

Blake tries on the creature arm.

My thumb after a few days of working on the creature molds!

Kara's back wound from where she gets stabbed by the Creature.

Buttons and Ray.
Big thanks to everyone who helped out. Here's the list:
Creature concept by Blake Brewer and Hannah Stoddard. Creature design by Paul Maitland. Body Molding by Shawn Sieger, David Markowski, and I. Creature sculpt by Katy DeHay and I. Creature molding by Sarah Killian, Miranda Doerfler and I. And creature built and painted by Katy DeHay, Grace Lee and I. It was quite a team effort and it couldn't have been done without all of you! I hope I didn't miss anyone! Thanks again for all your hard work on this project!