I say it every year. Icon kicks off Con Season with a bang! Once again, they invited me out to run some panels, host the Charity Auction, and Emcee the costume contest.

Me in a panel checking my watch to see how much longer I have to talk before I can go drinking!

Here are my two underage, jailbait helper monkeys, Amanda and Jeanette.

Amanda, aka Helper Monkey #12, volunteered to be our victim for the Live Lifecast!

Here's what Amanda would look like bald. Whiney brat wouldn't let us shave her head.

And here's where we cover her with goo.

I think Tony went light with the captions this year. He was a little too scared to really abuse her the way she deserved to be for being assigned to help me.

And here's Tony!

Tony and John doing all the work while I sit back and watch! It's a tough job!

Here I am explaining the difference in weight between latex and vinyl gloves.

Poor Amanda. She really had no idea what she was getting into.

As you can see from the pics, John did almost all the work, Tony helped, and I stood back and took all the credit.

And here's Amanda's alginate shell.

And finally, here's Amanda's lifecast. If you look closely you can see her eye make-up transferred over.

Here's Terry Brooks signing his book for Tony.

Me hosting the Charity Auction. And I only forgot how to count 3 times! Or was it 4?


Jolie in her Darth make-up, being made up by Zorikh.

During our "Cheap Gore" panel, Tony did this awesome Zombie make-up as a demo.

Buddha as "The Thing"!!

It's a MAN, baby! A MAN!! And to think, I was planning on doing a Xena costume at DragonCon... There goes that plan!

Here are my three, that's right, THREE underage, jailbait helper monkeys. They just keep throwing sixteen year old girls at me!!

Tony. Hand massage. Blah blah blah.

Made up chicks dancing!

Boob grab upon request.

And here's me calling out the next contestant!

Harry Potter?!?!

Jeanette. Looking very annoyed.

Jolie engaging in the ancient ritual: The banging of the plastic toys!

Halo! Master Chief!

I call it, Chick with Spikey Things!

The Thing! Again!

She lost her contact lens. No one move!

Troll guy thing.

Silent Bob!

Zombie girl getting dragged into the contest.

And here's AeroSith playing while wearing my boxers!! Ewww! That's right, I threw my underwear up on the stage again!
After the Costume contest was over, we all headed to my secret bar (which I'm sure is no secret anymore) to drink until they threw us out!

Here's me and Adam at the bar.
All in all, it was an amazing con, and I had a blast as usual. Big thanks to Mom, Jeanette, Rachel and everyone else at Icon, and a big warning to my underage, jailbait helper monkeys, next year you'll be legal!
See you at the next one!
Oh, and a week later Tony, Belle and I headed over to Big Apple Comic Con. And since there's only a couple of pics, I thought I'd just add them here!

Belle playing with the Goblin guy.

Here she is making out with Karen Lynn Gorney of Saturday Night Fever fame.

Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) playing with Belle.

Belle attacking Cassandra Peterson (Elvira).