Halloween 1999
10/30/99 - 10/31/99
In March we decided to dress as Colonial Marines from the movie Aliens. We found a guy selling the armor, but he wanted $1,100 per set, and at the time we needed 5 sets. We didn't want to spend that kind of money, so we said, "Screw it, we can build our own cheaper." And that's just what we did. It took seven months, and a lot of aggravation, but they came out awesome.
For the Saturday night we went to a party at a friends house.

The Marines have landed!

Striking a pose in the street.

Scaring the neighbors.

This is a view of a Pulse Rifle that no one really wants to see.

Guard duty poses.
After the party we headed to Chelsea Street, a bar on Long Island. We lost the costume contest, but the owner loved us and gave us a free bottle of Champagne.
For Sunday, Halloween night, we went to a club called Trilogy. Lost the costume contest, but the owner there was a big Aliens fan and gave us free drinks all night.

Here's our bartender, Joe Taggert, former DJ from WLIR.

He got us nice and drunk that night.

Feeding Juan Tequila straight from the bottle.

Posing with the bartender.

Us with Phil, the owner.

Marines on leave.

Here's a rare shot of Tony drinking a beer.

Juan getting trashed on Margaritas.

Me and Juan relaxing after losing the contest.

Tony patrolling the club.


Me, my Corona, and two Pulse Rifles. All you need is a woman and the picture is complete. Notice the free T-shirts we won hanging from my armor.

Spat, surprised by the camera.

Juan and I conferring on our plan of attack.

Getting nice and sloshed...


Mmmm... Spat thong....

Tony and his Xenomorph infestation.

Tough day at the office.

Juan hitting on Mel the shot girl.

Tony hitting on Mel.

Lady Death. Mmmm... Body paint.... Probably flavored...

Felicity Shagwell....

Felicity Squatting....

And to the Marines go the spoils of war. Chicks dig a guy in armor.
If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com