Halloween 2000
"Don't call it a comeback."
-LL Cool J
Sunday the 29th Juan, Tony, Mikey and I went out to Regine, a club on Long Island for their annual Halloween party. The costume contest was pretty light, not as many contestants as the year before, but it looked like we had a chance. And by Midnight, we had one a cash prize and a bottle of Champagne!!
(Click the thumbnails to see the full sized pic)

Mikey, or TD 247, trying to look casual.

And searching for love in all the wrong places (he's aiming the binocs at a blank wall).

Mikey again.

Mikey's backpack, it held up nicely that night, but started falling apart a few days later.

I still haven't figured out a caption for this pic.

Tony holding the Big Gun.

Tony in Standard Pose #1.

Standard Pose #2.

Tony and Juan. Juan looking very tired and ready to leave.

Getting ready to get on stage.

Hey, who's that sexy Trooper? Oh, wait, it's Spat!!

Kinda looks like I'm playing guitar, doesn't it?

I dream of Jeanie almost every night...

Uh oh, Darth Maul. Act casual, the boss is looking.

Thinks he's so tough with his double ended saber.


Juan relaxing after the contest.

Mikey doing.... whatever it is that Mikey does.

Severed head twin guy.

Mikey ready for a nap.

Mmmm... Hottie McHot Hot.

Hottie McHot Hot bending over....
If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com