Get Your Geek On
The good folks over at VH-1 have a new show coming soon called "Get Your Geek On". It's a show that celebrates the Geek in all of us. They contacted the ECG and asked about filming us all running around the city in costume. We of course agreed.

A gaggle of Troopers in Manhattan.

We finally got John in a set of armor, and of course, I had to break out the Bug suit!

And what day in the city would be complete without a stop off at Hooters!?!

Since I really can't see too well out of the Bug costume, I need someone to help guide me. That's John's job... at least until he gets distracted and I walk into a pole! Nice scar!

Then it was off to the park to play in the swings!
And the See Saw!

Of course, John finds the hot chicks.

And after a LONG day of walking, it was time to head home.
We still have no idea when this episode will air, but when it does, be assured that I'll mention it on the website!
If you have any questions, E-Mail me.