Cross the Line was finally done, so it was time for the wrap party! In case you don't know what Cross the Line is, check it out:
Cross The Line
The party was held at a club in the city called Lea. And I must say, a good time was had by all!

Here's me and Alan. The money guy.

Larry, Alan and me.

Dave showing off his Cowboy shirt. I think...

Tina checking her pit odor...

And then walking it off.

Tatiana getting her groove on.

Our hostess.

Larry and Tatiana.

The Devil looks on...


And me apparently biting Kevin's neck for some reason.

The girls of Cross The Line busting a move on the dance floor!

I thought this was a Cop Drama, not a Sci-Fi flick...

Alan pretending he can dance.


Nicole getting funky.

Yummy alcohol.

Tony the stalker with Tatiana.

Larry cutting in.

And Tony kidnapping Tatiana!

Check out the butt!

The hostess and our waitress on the bar dancing!

Tina getting down with her bad self!

Gotta love bar dancing chicks!

Shh.. I'm watching...


And finally, our bartender.
Be sure to check out the Cross the Line page for more info on the film and when it will be coming out!