Review – DC’s New 52 – Part 2

Posted by Spat on October 11, 2011 in Comics, Reviews |

Week 2 of the new Universe launch brought another 13 books to check out!

Batman and Robin #1. Written by Peter J. Tomasi, art by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray.

I was a big fan of this comic before the reboot, so I was really looking forward to seeing where this one was going to go.

It starts off showing that there was another Batman Franchise in Russia, and then cuts to Gotham and introduces this Batman and Robin. Starts off fresh with a little re-explanation of Batman’s history.

Big fight scene and even a little homage to those classic Batman style “hanging from a chain over a pit of acid” bit, and this is a comic I will pick up again next month!

Batwoman #1. Written by J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman, art by J.H. Williams III.

This is one of those comics in this new reboot that isn’t really a reboot, but is just a continuation with a new number.

If you read the old Detective Comics before, then this will be right up your alley. As far as I can tell, this is a direct continuation from that storyline. And it really doesn’t try at all to fill you in on what you missed if you hadn’t been reading along before.

Something about ghosts, and kids and lesbians. If you were following it before, you’ll know what’s going on. Otherwise, it’s a bit confusing,

I’ll be skipping issue 2 of this one.


Deathstroke #1. Written by Kyle Higgins, art by Joe Bennett and Art Thibert.

I was a little shocked that Deathstroke was getting his own book. He’s always been a villain in DC Comics and I can’t think of any other villain who has their own title.

They don’t really give much history on Slade (Deathstroke) in this, but you get the idea of what he’s about pretty quickly. Soldier for hire, killing machine, mercenary, not a super pleasant guy.

Good stuff, but I may have to pass on issue 2 simply because I can’t go around buying too many issues every month! But I won’t say no, yet.




Demon Knights #1. Written by Paul Cornell, art by Diogenes Neves and Oclair Albert.

Sadly, since this is a comic that takes place in the Dark Ages, and I’m really not into Sword and Sorcery Comics (yet I play D&D every week), so I didn’t give this one much of chance.

Swords, Camelot, Ladies in Lakes, Demon Babies, Monsters, Damsels…. All cool stuff, and if you’re into it, check this out.

It’s just not for me.





Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1. Written by Jeff Lemire, art by Alberto Ponticelli.

I thought this was a joke when I first saw the title coming out, but no, it’s real.

Frankenstein’s monster, Frankenstein (trapped in the body of an Asian Schoolgirl), the Monster’s wife (a 4 armed demon chick), and a team of…. Monsters (a werewolf, vampire, mummy and an alien) all out to save the world.

If it was a comedy it would have made more sense!

If you’re nostalgic for classic horror icons, pick it up. Not for me.



Green Lantern #1. Written by Geoff Johns, art by Doug Manhke, Christian Alamy and Tom Nguyen.

Here’s one of those “new” comics that’s really not new at all. This should be issue 68, not issue 1! This comic follows right up with the last issue of Green Lantern, and I for one am super happy about that!! I was a huge fan of this comic from the last Universe, and will continue with this one!

Sinestro has a Green Ring again, but he don’t want it at all!!

Hal Jordan is no longer in the GLC, and has to re-adjust to being “normal”. Should be interesting to see where this is going!



Grifter #1. Written by Nathan Edmondson, art by Cafu and Jason Gorder.

This one kind of came out of left field. Demons that hop from body to body, lots of strangeness.

Couldn’t make much sense of this one. It’s a carryover from the merge of DC and Wildstorm.

I’m sure later issues will explain a bit, but I’ll have to live in the dark.






Legion Lost #1. By Fabian Nicieza and Pete Woods.

So, a small group of the Legion of Superheroes get warped away while hunting an escaped “Critter”. Some fights, some time travel.

Interesting, but in the same way that the regular Legion comic has WAY too many characters for me to try to follow, this one has just as many. My brain can’t keep up.






Mister Terrific #1. Written by Eric Wallace, art by Gianluca Gugliotta and Wayne Frucher.

Mister Terrific was a great character as part of the Justice League in the old Universe. I’m still not sure if he’s enough of a character for his own title.

He’s a genius who uses science and technology as his “powers”, and this first issue does a great job of explaining the character and his back story. If you’re into the character, it’s a must read, but I still think he should be part of a team.





Red Lanterns #1. Written by Peter Milligan, art by Ed Benes and Rob Hunter.

Ahhh, the Red Lanterns. So full of RAGE and anger! Yet they’re the only lantern group that has a Kitty Cat as a member! A very angry, rage-filled Kitty Cat at that!

The Red Lanterns are still trying to get revenge on the Green Lanterns (a left over from the “other” Universe), and Atrocitus is the leader. This issue is a great back story on him and some of the other Red Lanterns and on the origin of the rage.

I’m not 100% sure that these guys need their own title, but I will pick up issue 2 and see where it goes.




Resurrection Man #1. Written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, art by Fernando Dagnino.

Ok, guy who resurrects into new bodies and fights demons or something.

Couldn’t really follow it, not going to continue with it.









Suicide Squad #1. Written by Adam Glass, art by Federico Dallocchio, Ransom Getty and Scott Hanna.

So…. They’re starting the squad up again with new characters. Great intro to a group of criminal misfits who are stuck together to go on missions in lieu of a death penalty.

Good stuff, and I will pick up issue 2. But it does have big shoes to fill, because the old Universe’s Squad was really good!






Superboy #1. Written by Scott Lobdell, art by R. B. Silva and Rob Leon.

So, they’re starting the whole Superboy mythos over from scratch, and it’s working. He’s grown up in a vat, has no idea who he is or what his powers are, but when the experiment is about to be scrapped, he escapes… Sort of. And ends up being experimented on in all new ways.

Looking forward to seeing where this is going!






Ok, part 3 coming soon!

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