What can I say? I'm a huge fan of the original Blade (and of Wesley Snipes in general), so when I heard Blade 2 was coming out, I knew I had to see it. Now for a little review - I LOVED THE FILM! Thought it was as good if not better than the first one. A rarity in sequels. So when we were invited to the Premiere party, we knew we had to go!
Calvin, Victor, Debbie, Szylvia, Karen and I all met up at Webster Hall, and had a great time. Here are the pics:

Trying to get a cleavage shot of Karen.

Szylvia posing.

Calvin flashing his new fangs. Wouldn't he make a great Blade?
Oooh, girls and fire. A winning combination. Until someone bursts into flames!

Victor and Ilana Powers, the E-Mail girl from Webster Hall.

Everyone gets a taste of Ilana!

The Vampire LeSpat!

Victor, the Vampire Preacher! Holding the purses for the girls, Sucker!

Me and Vic.

Calvin and Vic.


Gotta love freaky, half naked chicks dancing on stage!
Then came the Leather gear fashion show!

Then came more of the half naked thong girl!

Here's a hot of the crowd waiting for the movie freebies!

And the hottie giving the goodies out!

Victor and some guy.